All posts by Matthew Southard

Olympic Data Assignment

Main Header: Which countries produce the oldest Olympic athletes?

Sub Head: To see an elderly athlete competing at a high level is a rare sight, but five different countries had more than three represetatives of a least 50 years of age. The United States,  Australia, Belgium and Great Britain all had four competitors that exceeded the half-century mark while New Zealand had three. Japan, however, sported the oldest athlete, a 71-year-old male equestrian rider.

Assignment 1-Jan. 14.


Olympics data: all our statistics, data journalism and visualizations in one place 

Simon Rogers/The Guardian 

Here is a unique way to display a very complex and large set of data. This graphic on the left shows the number of medals won in Olympic history, divided up by sport. On the right is the number of Olympic medals won broken down by each country.

Olympic medals interactive guide


NFL Playoff Machine


Starting in week 12 of the NFL season, one can see what has to happen for his or her team to make the NFL playoffs. Instead of having to tediously write out every scenario possible , the playoff machine shows you who makes the playoffs when games go a certain way.




MLB Single-Season Payroll Analysis

Tableau Public

While this graphic may seem complicated and probably wouldn’t apply to anyone besides baseball fans, it is really fascinating (probably because i’m a baseball fan. This graphic compares every team’s payroll with its win total and stadium capacity for the 2010 MLB season.
