Assignment 1- Jan. 14

usa today-where the jobs are

Where the jobs are (USA Today)

This interactive is updated monthly with job growth forecasts by economic consulting firm Moody’s Analytics. The map allows you to filter job data by industry, and view job growth forecast from 2011-2015.  You can also zoom in to view job forecasts in select cities.


nyt-election 2012

The Electoral Map: Building a Path to Victory  (New York Times)

This map is from the 2012 presidential election. It takes you though a series of maps that shows the different ways Romney or Obama could take the White House. At the end, the user can play with the dots and create their own scenarios. Clicking on each dot tells you the number of electoral votes each state has, and the dots are color-coded as to which political party the state typically leans to.


Screen Shot 2014-01-13 at 8.41.51 PM


Sticker shock hits health exchange shoppers (USA Today)

The story discusses the sticker shock some middle class Americans who aren’t eligible for  substitutes under the Affordable Care Act. The map allows the user to roll over each county in the 50 states and tells the number of bronze plans (plans that cover 60 percent of health care costs) in each county along with other demographic information about the county.


One thought on “Assignment 1- Jan. 14”

  1. Great choices. USA Today was a pioneering publication for graphic journalism. Unfortunately, they aren’t as groundbreaking lately, they are still good to follow.

    I go back and forth on the NYTimes graphic. I’ll hold back my gripes and see what everyone in the class thinks. Regardless, good examples.

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