Bringing it all together

Over the last few days, we’ve read a lot about Microsoft Excel and Google Refine. Today we will use that knowledge to clean a dataset and create a simple frequency table.

The data comes from the UT Police Department. I called the public information officer – at the time it was Emily Simerly – and requested a report of every instance in which a campus blue phone used. They gave me the data in the following PDF:

University of Tennessee Blue Phone Incidents 2009

PDFs are the pits. Seriously, avoid PDFs like the plague. I was young and stupid when I requested this data and didn’t ask them if I could get it in a different file format (e.g., csv, excel, ect.). The only good thing about this PDF is that it is a PDF with embedded text as opposed to a image-based PDF (where the whole page is essentially just one big image). If the PDF you are using is image-based, getting the data out is fairly complicated (see this guide by ProPublica).

Because my PDFs included embedded text, I was able to use a third-party application to convert the PDF to an Excel file. Again, ProPublica has a guide for this. Also, the Journalism in the Americas project at University of Texas-Austin has a good list of third-party apps for pulling data from PDFs.

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I ended up using Cometdocs, because it was the first one I tried. I simply uploaded the PDF, and they emailed me an Excel file. As you can see, it worked, but it isn’t the prettiest data set.

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Now that we have an Excel based dataset, we can start playing with the data. Your assignment for today is to create a simple table that lists the number of incidents at each blue phone during 2009.

You can download the Excel dataset here (if you have problems downloading try right-mouse clicking and choosing “Save file as…”).

Hint: You will have to use both Excel and Refine. Refine has been installed on all the computers in the lab.

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